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Boards + Commissions

Get involved with one of Mission’s volunteer boards and commissions that advise the City Council and City staff on various topics.
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Planning Commission

Mission’s Planning Commission holds public hearings for proposed development plans, rezoning and permits. This Commission makes recommendations to the City Council on how to proceed with the proposals.

Mission’s Board of Zoning Appeals considers granting variances to the City’s zoning code.

Parks, Recreation + Tree Commission

Mission’s Parks, Recreation + Tree Commission helps plan and guide the activities of the City’s Parks + Recreation Department and provides recommendations on the management of the Parks Master Plan. This group also identifies and protects Mission’s historical trees and landscaping and fulfills the requirements as part of maintaining Mission’s status as a Tree City USA (since 2002).

Sustainability Commission

Mission’s Sustainability Commission takes an active role in promoting sustainable development and best practices in City activities, advocating for policies that position Mission for a successful future.

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