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Open Records Requests

Under Kansas Open Records Law, most records maintained by the City are open for inspection and/or copying by individuals. To request a record, please complete the Open Records Request Form. Additional questions can be directed to the City Clerk at 913.676.8355.

Every attempt will be made to fulfill the request, though that isn’t always possible. Potential reasons a request may be denied include:

  • The specific record requested doesn’t exist.
  • The request was unclear and should be resubmitted with more detail.
  • The record request is closed to protect an important privacy interest.
  • The requester intends to use the record or information for the purpose of selling or offering for sale any property or service in violation of K.S.A. 45-230.

All requests received will be acknowledged within three days. Most requests are processed within three business days, however written notification will be provided if there is a delay, or if the request cannot be fulfilled.


The City charges a fee to cover the cost of staff time required to gather the information and the cost of copying or reproducing records. The fee schedule is available on the Open Records Request Form

Open Records Exceptions

There are some records that contain information which is private in nature, and because of this, the documents are excluded from disclosure requirements under the Kansas Open Records Act (K.S.A. 45-221). Some of the records exempted by the law include:

  • Personnel information of City employees
  • Medical treatment records
  • Records which are protected by the attorney-client privilege or the rules of evidence
  • Records containing personal information compiled for census purposes
  • Criminal investigation records

Laserfiche Archives

The Laserfiche archives makes many official documents available online, including:

  • City Council meeting minutes
  • Finance + Administration Committee meeting minutes
  • Community Development Committee meeting minutes
  • City mailings
  • Ordinances
  • Resolutions

City of Mission

6090 Woodson Street
Mission, KS 66202


8:00 AM-5:00 PM

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