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Municipal Court

The Municipal Court is the judiciary branch of the Mission City Government and is responsible for judging violations of City ordinances and levying fines.

Municipal Court Appearances

Many issues can be handled without requiring an in-person visit to the court offices. Please call the main Court line at 913.676.8325 with questions or payment.

Tuesday court dates (Morning) (Attorney Plea Dockets): Attorney dockets are at 8 AM and will be held via Zoom.

Please log onto Zoom: Click Here For Zoom Meeting Link

Meeting ID 9460131752

Passcode: G4CsAe

You will be admitted to the virtual meeting room. Once a prosecutor is available, you will be admitted to a private break-out room. The prosecutors see attorneys in order of check-in. 

Tuesday court dates (Evening): Your appearance is in person at 6090 Woodson, City Hall entrance. Arrive no later than 6:30 PM. 

Thursday court dates (Morning): Your appearance is in person at 6090 Woodson, City Hall entrance at 10 AM.

Paying a Ticket or Fine

Instructions for paying traffic tickets online, over the phone, by mail or in person. Information about traffic ticket continuances and ticket amendments.

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