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Keeping Pets + Animals

Dogs, Cats + Other Animals

All dogs, cats and other domesticated animals must be leashed and under control while in public areas. Owners must remove feces or waste left by their animals.

A person or household may have a combined total of domesticated dogs and cats of no more than four (4) as long as the total number for each type – dog or cat – does not exceed three (3).

Exception: Domesticated dogs providing services for the disabled shall be exempt from this restriction and shall not be considered when calculating the maximum number of lawful animals.

Licensing and Vaccinations: The City of Mission does not require pets to be licensed. Rabies vaccinations are required, and owners could be required to show proof.

Reach Animal Control by calling 913.782.0720. Learn more about Animal Control regulations and services.

Learn more about keeping chickens + bees.

City of Mission

6090 Woodson Street
Mission, KS 66202


8:00 AM-5:00 PM

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