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Infrastructure Project Updates

Street Preservation Projects By Year

Street Preservation Project 2025: 

61st Street (Broadmoor to Barkley), 62nd Street (Glenwood to Lamar), Reeds Road (Johnson Drive to 58th Street), and Beverly Drive (Dearborn to Reeds).

The 2025 Residential Street Reconstruction Projects includes full depth pavement reconstruction; curb and gutter removal and replacement; and stormwater improvements or repairs. Construction is anticipated to begin in March 2025 and is estimated to be completed within 270 days from the issuance of the notice to procced.  Utility relocation efforts have already begun. 

Street Preservation Project 2024: 55th Street, Lamar Ave. east to city limits.

September 10 – Base paving began on September 10 and will continue through the end of the week. Residents will be able to drive on the road at night and once the base paving is completed. Crews will focus on sidewalks, remaining driveways, ADA ramps, and sod in addition to base paving. Surface paving will take place in October and is the final step in this project.

July 10 – Stormwater improvements for the 55th Street project will be completed by Tuesday, July 9. Asphalt and driveway work will commence on Wednesday, July 10.

The scope of work includes full depth pavement reconstruction; curb and gutter removal and replacement; partial driveway approach removal and replacement; and stormwater improvements or repairs. 

The project was awarded to G-B Construction, LLC in March of 2024, and a Notice to Proceed was issued to the contractor with an April 15, 2024 start date. The project is expected to be completed by the end of 2024.  

Street Preservation Project 2023: Beverly Ave., 56th to 57th; W. 50th Terr., 51st St. east to city limits; Riggs Ave. 53rd St., north to dead end; W. 61st Terr. Lamar Ave. to Woodson St.

Street Preservation Project 2022: 62nd Street, Woodson Road to Lamar Avenue; Reeds Road, 49th Street to 50th Terrace; and Outlook Street, 49th Street to 51st Street. Click here for more information on street preservation in Mission here.

C.A.R.S Projects by year

The CARS program provides funds to the cities of Johnson County to construct and maintain their major arterials. Each year the cities submit a five-year road improvement plan to Johnson County. Using a scoring system, Johnson County selects projects and allocates funds. The county pays 50% of the project’s construction and construction inspection costs. Cities are responsible for design, right-of-way, and utility relocation costs. 

C.A.R.S Project 2026: Johnson Drive (Lamar to Metcalf) Reconstruction Project   

In 2022, Mission applied for Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) funds through the Mid-America Regional Council (MARC). This project aims to revitalize the aging four-lane corridor by improving connectivity, reducing congestion, and enhancing pedestrian safety. Planned upgrades include pavement and curb replacement, stormwater enhancements, widened sidewalks, native plantings, new streetlights, and updated traffic signals. Construction is anticipated to start in early 2026. 

Beginning in March 2025, utility agencies will be upgrading their infrastructure in preparation for the 2026 C.A.R.S. project. This work may involve repairs, relocations, and system enhancements to help ensure that once Johnson Drive is reconstructed, there will be no need to disturb the new roadway for future utility issues. As a result of this utility work, drivers may experience changes in traffic patterns along Johnson Drive and nearby side streets.

C.A.R.S Project 2025: 63rd Street Reconstruction Project (Nall Avenue to Roe Avenue) 

This is a joint project with Prairie Village with Mission serving as the administrator. Construction is anticipated to begin in March 2025 and is estimated to be completed within 180 days from the issuance of the notice to proceed. Utility relocation efforts have already begun. 

C.A.R.S Project 2024: Roe Avenue (Johnson Drive to 63rd St.)

This is a joint project with Roeland Park, Fairway and Prairie Village with Mission administering the project.

The proposed improvements include mill and overlay with two-inch asphalt surface pavement repairs, median replacement, spot replacement of curb and gutter, sidewalks and ADA ramps, stormwater repairs and pavement markings. The traffic signal at Johnson Drive and Roe Avenue will be replaced, and pedestrian signals installed with a crosswalk on the east side of the intersection. A new sidewalk will be installed on the east side of Roe Ave. between 59th St. and Johnson Drive.

October 10 – Mill and overlay is starting on October 14 and will continue throughout the week. Upon completion, striping will follow.  

September 10 – Stormwater drain is installed. Curb, sidewalks, patching and ADA ramps have been completed. Pavement is anticipated in 3 to 4 weeks. Mill and overlay is currently scheduled for late September.

C.A.R.S Project 2023: Foxridge Dr. (51st St. to Lamar Ave.) Street Rehabilitation Project was part of the City’s 5-year Capital Improvement Plan project for 2023. The scope of work included full depth pavement reconstruction; installation of a new sidewalk and retaining walls; stormwater improvements; traffic signal buyout and replacement; streetlights; and pavement markings.


The landscape on Johnson Drive, between Lamar Avenue and Maple Street, was completed in 2014. Over the past ten years, the area has experienced issues related to overgrowth, creating sight distance problems and attracting bugs. In response to concerns raised by business owners and to address the deteriorating condition of the landscape, the City decided to evaluate and renovate the corridor with a new landscape design incorporating native plantings. 

The scope of work for the renovation project includes the removal of existing plants and replacing them with native plantings and 6 months of maintenance once the project is accepted as complete. The goal is to create a visually appealing and sustainable landscape that supports Mission’s Climate Action goals. Native plants require less water and maintenance, provide habitat for pollinators, food for birds and sink carbon into the ground with their deep roots.  

The 2024 Johnson Drive Landscape Renovation Project, which includes the landscape renovation on Johnson Drive between Lamar Avenue and Maple Street, was bid in January. The bids were opened on January 31, 2024. Three bids were received, with Country Brook Landscapers submitting the lowest and most responsive bid.

September 10 – The project kicks off this week with staging of new plantings, dirt, and mulch at the Outlook parking lot. Planting is expected to begin today, and the project should be completed by the end of October. Upon completion, the project will enter a six-month maintenance period. 

Nelson Wastewater Treatment Plant

The Nelson Complex Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) is Johnson County’s oldest treatment facility, and its service area is comprised of two main tributary basins – one of which is the Mission Main (MTM1).  The improvements project will upgrade the treatment facility as well as some pump stations and mains to address aged and deteriorating infrastructure and to comply with regulatory requirements.

Visit the project website to learn more:

Private Development Projects

For updates on large private development projects underway or in the planning phase in Mission, visit the Current Projects page.

Public Works

4775 Lamar Avenue
Mission, KS, 66202

Phone: 913.676.8375
Fax: 913.262.6916

Monday – Friday
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

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