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Comprehensive Plan

Mission’s Comprehensive Plan guides development into the future. It is a vision plan, a communication tool, and a guidebook for a community’s shared goals. Kansas statutes require cities to develop a comprehensive plan for development within their boundaries, and to make regular updates to the plan. A plan evaluates issues such as land use, population and development density, public facilities, transportation, economic conditions, natural resources, and more.

Tomorrow Together: 2040 Mission Comprehensive Plan

The final draft of the plan was adopted by the governing body in December 2023. The update process included:

  • Public engagement and outreach to gain important insight from residents and stakeholders
  • Review of existing plans to determine relevance
  • Existing conditions and emerging trends analysis
  • Existing housing and emerging trends analysis
  • Existing commercial/economic development and emerging trends analysis
  • Existing land use classifications and zoning analysis
  • Transportation network analysis for opportunities to support multimodal transportation (walking, driving, biking, public transit, etc.)
  • Goals, objectives, and policy recommendations

For more information about the plan update, contact Brian Scott, Deputy City Administrator by email or at 913.676.8353.

Read the last plan update: Mission’s Comprehensive Plan 2007

City of Mission

6090 Woodson Street
Mission, KS 66202


8:00 AM-5:00 PM

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