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Adopt-A-Street Program

What is Adopt-A-Street?

Mission’s Adopt-A-Street program promotes cleaner, safer and healthier neighborhoods through environmental preservation and civic responsibility.

Who can adopt a street?

Any interested group with the enthusiasm and dedication to make our community a better place to live can adopt a street. We welcome:

  • Individual businesses & business organizations
  • Neighborhood associations
  • Community & civic organizations
  • Faith-based groups

What do volunteers do?

Groups make a commitment to remove litter along pre-designated sections of City streets a minimum of four times per year for a two-year period. Volunteers are encouraged to monitor conditions along their adopted street section throughout their adoption period, reporting any issues to City staff.

How do we participate? 

  1. Contact Mission Neighborhood Services at 913.676.8360.
  2. Download and complete the Adopt-A-Street Online Application and Renewal Form.
  3. Neighborhood Services staff will review your application and schedule a time to review the program’s requirements and safety protocols with your group’s coordinator.
  4. Prior to all clean-up events, your group coordinator must advise Neighborhood Services staff of the event date and approximate number of volunteers. They must also pick up City-provided volunteer waivers, gloves, bags, safety vests and other supplies at City Hall.
  5. Your group’s coordinator is responsible for completing the Application and Renewal Form prior to the clean-up event (linked above) then ensuring all volunteers sign a required waiver, completing a volunteer participation form and delivering those documents to City Hall within 48 hours of the completed event date.

Acknowledgment and Recognition

Adopt-A-Street program participants will be recognized on signs in their adopted street section. The sign will include the Adopt-A-Street program logo, City of Mission logo and the volunteer group’s name.

Signs will be installed after the group’s first clean-up event has been held and will remain in place for the designated adoption period of two years.

City of Mission

6090 Woodson Street
Mission, KS 66202


8:00 AM-5:00 PM

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