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Climate Action

The City of Mission has a history of taking action on slowing climate change. In 2007, the City of Mission participated in the largest single day signing of the Mayors’ Climate Protection Agreement to advance the goals of the Kyoto Protocol.

Following the signing, a Sustainability Task Force formed to advance these goals. The Task Force’s mission was “to provide a prioritized action plan to serve as a model of sustainability for our local government, citizens and surrounding communities that encompasses People, Planet and Prosperity.” which led to the creation of the Sustainability Commission in 2009 which continues today.

Climate Action Plan Task Force

Mayor Flora formed the Climate Action Plan Task Force in February 2022 to review the Regional Climate Action Plan and Mission’s previous studies and work around sustainability to recommend 1-, 3-, and 5-year strategies to be forwarded to the Governing Body. The group will continue to work on related strategies and welcomes the public’s input.

Initial Task Force Recommendations: August 3, 2022

Task Force Members
Hillary Parker Thomas, Ward I Councilmember Justin Carroll, Administration
Ben Chociej, Ward IV Councilmember Karie Kneller, Community Development
Josh Thede, Sustainability Commission Robert Meyers, Police
Lauren Reiter-Schmid, Sustainability Commission Brent Morton, Public Works
Robin Dukelow, Planning Commission Penn Almoney, Parks + Recreation
Jacque Gameson, Parks, Recreation + Tree Commission

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory

In September 2008, Black & Veatch completed a Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory for Mission, using 2005 as a baseline year. You can read the 2008 report here. Lotus Engineering and Sustainability updated the inventory in June 2023 using 2022 data.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory June 2023 (pdf)

Click here for an interactive overview of the inventory on the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Story Map 2023

Mission’s Climate Action Plan

The Sustainability Task Force created a Climate Action Plan in 2009 to achieve a 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 based off the 2008 Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory using 2005 as a baseline year. You can read the report here.

Climate Action KC and Regional Efforts

Mission is participating in many of the activities associated with ClimateActionKC.

Climate Action Playbook

Mid-America Regional Council’s Climate Action Plan 2021.

You can view the April 28, 2021 presentation of the plan to the Mission City Council and Commissions here. The Mission City Council approved a resolution in support of the Climate Action Plan in October 2021.

City of Mission

6090 Woodson Street
Mission, KS 66202


8:00 AM-5:00 PM

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