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Downtown Mission Window Decorating Contest
October 04, 2023

The holiday sights are coming to Downtown Mission! We’re hosting a window decorating contest. Join us! If you’re a Downtown Mission business or if you’re a creative type who would love a new canvas to add some festive cheer to your favorite shopping destination, please let us know! Complete this short form by Friday, October 20 and we’ll connect with details.

  • Businesses may decorate their own window, or we will pair you with someone who can decorate.
  • Creatives of any age can participate but we will only pair people high school age and older with a business.

Cash prizes are available for the winners!

Downtown Mission Window Decorating Contest

Thanks for your interest! We are excited to showcase Mission's downtown during the winter season. Interest forms due by October 20, 2023 to be included on the ballot. Contest kick-off will be on Small Business Saturday, Nov. 25, 2023 with windows on display through Dec. 31. Cash prizes awarded! Questions, please contact Kate Deacon

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