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Fall Yard Waste Collection Reminders
October 19, 2023

As fall season comes, the need for yard waste management increases. Mission residents are reminded to dispose of yard waste properly to avoid clogged drains and future flooding.

One great way to manage yard waste is through mulching of leaves, grass clippings, and branches. By doing this, moisture is retained, soil is fertilized with added nitrogen, and valuable resources are diverted from landfills to benefit the environment.

For those who prefer to bag their yard waste, residents may place up to 10 setouts per week throughout the year. Bundles should be properly tied with fiber twine or natural rope, and must not exceed 4 ft. in length, 18” in diameter, and 40 lbs.

Yard waste can also be set out in separate 32-gallon containers labeled “Yard Waste” or “YW” for weekly pickups. Stickers for additional bundles or compost bags are available for purchase at City Hall or the Community Center.

Explore additional details about yard waste by clicking here. Alternatively, to discover services within your area that offer drop-off locations for yard waste, kindly reach out to the Neighborhood Services Office at 913-676-8360.



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