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Comprehensive Plan

Mission’s Comprehensive Plan guides development into the future. It is a vision plan, a communication tool and a guidebook for a community’s shared goals. Kansas statutes require cities to develop a comprehensive plan for development within their boundaries, and to make regular updates to the plan. A plan evaluates issues of land use, population and building intensity, public facilities, transportation, economic conditions, natural resources and more. An update is underway now. View the project website.

Tomorrow Together: 2040 Mission Comprehensive Plan

Draft documents are now available: 

The work of updating the plan has included:

  • Review of existing plans to determine relevance
  • Analysis of population and emerging trends
  • Analysis of housing development and emerging trends (new home construction, multi-family housing, accessory dwelling units and affordable housing)
  • Analysis of commercial development and emerging trends
  • Analysis of existing land use classifications and zoning
  • Analysis of the transportation network for opportunities to support multimodal forms of transportation (walking, driving, biking or taking public transit)
  • Analysis of broadband infrastructure to determine opportunities to support future residential and commercial development

For more information about the plan update, contact Brian Scott, Deputy City Administrator by email or at 913.676.8353.

Read the last plan update: Mission’s Comprehensive Plan 2007

City of Mission

6090 Woodson Street
Mission, KS 66202


8:00 AM-5:00 PM

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